The San Luis Valley Language Justice Cooperative: Empowering people through language

For Erica Maldonado and Diego Pons, co-founder-owners of the San Luis Valley (SLV) Language Justice Cooperative, being bilingual wasn’t always a good thing. This sentiment changed, however, when they learned to leverage their bilingualism in a way that advanced them professionally and allowed them to fulfil a need within their community. Pons and Maldonado met…

3rd Annual Hill Climb, March 1, 2018

Some of the highlights from out Hill Climb event.[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] DESCRIPTION Last year’s Annual Hill Climb resulted in the passing of House Bill 1214 with bipartisan support! Join us in 2018 as we educate our representatives and advocate for employee ownership in our state. When: March 1, 2018 Who: Business owners, Employee owners, Employee ownership champions,…


Worker-Owned Co-ops Walk

Worker Owned Co-op Walk In partnership with the Rocky Mountain Employee Ownership Center, Walk2Connect will host a conversational walk on the ins and outs of worker-owned cooperative businesses. We will discuss examples of traditional and innovative organizations here in Colorado and beyond. Bring your questions, ideas and a notebook. We will walk Boulder residential sidewalks, the Boulder…

RMEOC Hill Climb

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Do you feel concerned about the political climate? Do you want to be a part of a solution that has support across party lines? Baby boomers own 60 percent of all U.S. businesses, and as they begin to retire, RMEOC sees the opportunity for employees to become owners. Employee ownership spreads equity so that all…

Employee Ownership Experts: Legal and Financial Panel

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Considering employee ownership? Let the experts help out! Join us on January 18, 2017 for our third breakfast workshop, cosponsored by Denver’s Office of Economic Development. CORPORATE CO-SPONSOR:  Our experts are some of leading lawyers and CPAs for employee ownership, including Jason Wiener, Jason Wiener P.C. Lucas Denberg of Zick Business Advisors, Doug Dell of KeyBank…