Why Join a Community of Practice?

Hands coming together header image

A community of practice (a CoP) is simply a group of people with a shared enthusiasm to work on something together in regular meetups.

Members of a CoP are usually either practitioners to some degree or just interested in becoming more knowledgeable.

To do quality work, they want to share their knowledge—including technical knowledge—and their networks.

Now that we at the RMEOC have had the wonderful experience of the Social Cooperative Academy (you’ll find videos of the eight sessions here), we want to keep the momentum and the interest in social coops going!

So a good way to do that is form a CoP to explore the practice and the promise of social coops together. We’ll continue talking about social coops but we’ll also have some terrific guest speakers and an opportunity to join subgroups (for areas like childcare, disabled care, returning citizens, social franchising, public policy, and more).

Our first session of the Social Coop CoP will be on Wednesday, September 4, at noon EST.

To receive a zoom link to this 60-minute conversation, please register here.

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