Despite the circumstances, 2020 has been a good year for Bill and Teri Cardell. After 31 years of selling performance parts for the Mazda Miata, their aptly-named business Flyin’ Miata based in Palisade, Colorado, is on target to have its best sales year yet — all while converting to a worker cooperative. When Bill and… Continue reading How Employee Ownership Helped Flyin’ Miata Preserve Its Culture and Legacy
Month: November 2020
What are the benefits of employee ownership?
If the events of the twenty-first century have made anything clear, it’s that the economy created by doing “business as usual” doesn’t work for everyone. From the Great Recession and the Occupy Wall Street movement to a global pandemic that’s left countless families struggling to get by, small business owners and their communities are often the ones… Continue reading What are the benefits of employee ownership?